Better Zaps, More Integrations
Zapier has made life easier for thousands of small businesses by making integrations between the services we use quick and simple. We know that many Hiveage users rely on Zapier to update information in other tools—such as CRMs and email marketing software—when changes are made in their Hiveage data (and vice versa). By setting up a zap, you can, for example, automatically add a client to your email list in MailChimp when you add their details in Hiveage.

We love the convenience of zaps, which is why we have now increased the number of available triggers and options for Hiveage in Zapier. They now cover all types of data: contacts, invoices, payments, estimates, bills, track entries (time, expenses and mileage), items and tasks.
A better way to manage your finances
With Hiveage you can send elegant invoices to your customers, accept online payments, and manage your team — all in one place.
If you need to keep the different services you use in sync, Zapier would be an excellent way to do easily and cost effectively. Please check out the Hiveage integrations—if you need any assistance, we’re just a quick email away.
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